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Fourth of July Barbecue Costs For Ten People Or More

An annual study by the American Farm Bureau Federation found the average Fourth of July barbecue for ten people should only cost $59.50 this year. This doesn’t factor in the…

(Courtesy of Monkey Business Images / Shutterstock)

An annual study by the American Farm Bureau Federation found the average Fourth of July barbecue for ten people should only cost $59.50 this year.

This doesn't factor in the cost of beer and fireworks . . . or your E.R. bill when you mix those two things.

An annual study by the American Farm Bureau Federation found an average Fourth of July barbecue for ten people will only cost $59.50 this year, or just under $6 per person.

They figured it out by looking at the average prices of some Fourth of July staples.

Here's how it breaks down . . .

1. Two pounds of hamburger, plus cheese and buns . . . $13.91.

(Courtesy of stockcreations / Shutterstock)

2. Three pounds of pork . . . $11.63.

(Courtesy of photohwan / Shutterstock)

3. Two pounds of boneless chicken breasts . . . $6.74

(Courtesy of photopixel / Shutterstock)

4. Two-and-a-half pounds of homemade potato salad . . . $2.75.

(Courtesy of Foodio / Shutterstock)

5. 32 ounces of beans . . . $1.90.

(Courtesy of MSPhotographic / Shutterstock)

6. A 13-ounce bag of potato chips . . . $4.93.

(Courtesy of Dan Kosmayer / Shutterstock)

7. Chocolate chip cookies . . . $4.02.

(Courtesy of Brent Hofacker / Shutterstock)

8. Two pints of strawberries . . . $5.30.

(Courtesy of xhico / Shutterstock)

9. A half-gallon of vanilla ice cream . . . $4.69.

(Courtesy of Eva Orlova / Shutterstock)

10. Lemonade for ten people . . . $3.65.

(Courtesy of New Africa / Shutterstock)

(Is that really an "average" Fourth of July menu?  What's a barbecue staple they left out?  No hot dogs?)   (

Check out the BEST places in and around Las Vegas to watch fireworks HERE!