CULVER CITY, CALIFORNIA – AUGUST 27: The TikTok logo is displayed outside a TikTok office on August 27, 2020 in Culver City. (Photo by Mario Tama/Getty Images)
(Photo by [Mario Tama] / Getty ImagesIt was just several months ago when Nathan 'Doggface" Apodaca posted his TikTok video of him skateboarding to work with a Ocean Spray Cranberry Juice bottle in hand, while singing to Fleetwood Mac's "Dreams". He had no idea that his video would go viral, help the band regain album sales & streams, and more! He was given a new car with a hug supply of Ocean Spray products. He bought his wife a $22,000 engagement ring, helped pay off his moms bills, and more!
Well, Nathan's life just got better...again! He just bought a brand new home for $320,000 in his home town of Idaho Falls, Idaho. Before, he was living in a trailer with his daughter. He paid for the home in cash! Most people would be envious of his fame, but mostly people are supporting him and his positive attitude.
In case you were wondering, his TikTok video has been viewed over 11 Million times and it goes up daily!
What's lies next for Nathan 'Doggface" Apodaca? We don't know, but when it does happen, you can bet you will see it on his TikTok account!