Great Resources For Bored Kids
Wendy here – so I feel like I’ve exhausted all avenues to keeping Z entertained during this shutdown. And recently I found a website that has been a lifesaver of…

Wendy here - so I feel like I've exhausted all avenues to keeping Z entertained during this shutdown. And recently I found a website that has been a lifesaver of a resource. I've printed out worksheets for her to color on and even practice her letters (mom win). You have to enter an email to win but the worksheets are free. It's called, and no I'm not being paid to say that. Lol. Just thought it was a well laid out website that's helped me keep Z busy at home.

Z loves them! Look how into them she is! And there are tons to choose from. So, if your little could use a new distraction, check out this awesome resource. There are plenty of them available for all age groups, but this one is our favorite.
My sisters and mother (who are more seasoned parent veterans than I am) also love these resources: Art For Kids Hub,, GoNoodle, and Mystery Science.