5 Ways To Make Your Commute To Work Better
Nevada doesn’t have the most aware, or the most courteous, of drivers. Which can lead to some pretty frustrating feelings on the road. And since the law changed that prevents…

Woman enjoying her commute to work.
[Dusan Petkovic] via ShutterstockNevada doesn't have the most aware, or the most courteous, of drivers. Which can lead to some pretty frustrating feelings on the road. And since the law changed that prevents us from using our cell phones while driving, we have fewer options to make our commute to work better. Not that people are actually following that law, but we'll pretend just this once.
There Are Ways To Make Your Commute Better Even In Bad Traffic
I've seen some of the worst traffic in my life on the Las Vegas freeways. And since I was raised in Southern California, that's saying a lot. People are always texting and swerving into other lanes. Usually without even realizing it until they've accidentally done a full merge six inches from your bumper.
Then there's the guy who doesn't understand that the far left lane is only for merging. He just cruises in the "fast lane" going anything but fast. And never gets the hint even when there is a line of cars in his rearview mirror. There's also the Utah roadblock, always appearing right when you're late for work. And, of course, my favorite is that driver who breaks the law and then acts like you are the one who wronged him. I mean, how dare I assume I go first at the stop sign when I got there first.
Road Rage In The Digital Age
Add all this road rage to the fact that we're also legally supposed to be separated from our technological addictions on our commute and it's a recipe for disaster. So, what are some other things, besides texting our friends, that we can be doing on our commute to work? Well, we've got some ideas that are not only safer than handling a cell phone, but they also come with a double benefit. Here are some suggestions of things you can do while in your car that can actually increase your happiness with effects that last all day.
1. Listen To Music

It was probably a given that we would suggest this first. After all, we're in the radio business. But, did you ever notice that radio DJs are like annoyingly peppy? Well, a big part of that is that we listen to music all day! And there have been scientific studies that have proven music to be a mood-lifter. So put on your favorite song and really focus on it. Listen to the individual instruments and appreciate the lyrics...not only will this make you happier, but it's actually a pretty good meditation practice as well. Want to REALLY boost your mood? Sing along. The louder the better. :)
2. Aromatherapize

What? That's a word...sort of...It's no secret that aromatherapy has calming effects. That's why it's hard to get a massage these days without some form of smell-good situation going on. Buy yourself a great new air freshener for the car. Or put a few drops of essential oil in a water bottle to keep in the car for those times you need a fresh burst. There are lots of great combinations you can make with your favorite scents. My favorite is Eucalyptus and Spearmint. :)
3. Listen To An Audiobook

They say laughter is the best medicine. Well, you can get a heavy dose of happy by listening to a great audiobook on your commute. Or even a podcast! Pick something that's uplifting or funny and just enjoy. Stay away from news or anything heavy. That could have the opposite effect on your mood.
4. Call Someone

Texting is pretty much the most common form of communication we engage in these days, but the phone still has that old-timey skill of actually making phone calls. Humans are a social species. We need to interact with our fellow mammals. It makes us feel connected to each other and supported in ways that social media just can't achieve. And even if we don't think WE need a phone call, there's a chance whoever is on the other line will be grateful for the connection. But remember to still be safe and use a headset or bluetooth connection!
5. Relax

Do you ever wish you had a few minutes of quiet time during the day just to take a breather? Well, if you commute, you do! That twenty(ish) minutes in the car can be a great time to relax and get ready for (or wind down from) the day. Take deep breaths. Listen to a guided meditation...anything that can get you back into your zen place without putting you to sleep is a great choice.