Things That Disappeared…And No One Cares
Everything keeps changing and at a fast pace. But what are those things that have disappeared over the years and yet, no one seems to care? It’s something that The…

Like an old fridge, these things that have disappeared over the years.
M-Production via Getty ImagesEverything keeps changing and at a fast pace. But what are those things that have disappeared over the years and yet, no one seems to care? It's something that The Mike & Carla Morning Show thought they should talk about this morning.
Now we're talking about everyday things...for example, that $800 beater car that a lot of us owned at one time. What happened to those. You very rarely see those types of things around anymore.
Or even using a physical check as a payment for something. There was no cutoff for using them, they just seemed to disappear after a while. However, Mike O'Brian and Carla Rea still use one now and then...just keeping it honest folks!
According to AskReddit, they threw this question out there as well and quite a few people chimed in. Coins on a sidewalk, a real human answering the phone, all GONE!
What Happened To All These Things We Cared About
Of course, when The M&C Morning Show opened up the topic, they coined the word "beater" for this conversation. We wanted to hear what things you still had. What "beater" things were you still using that had been handed down or maybe from your childhood.
A few people mentioned furniture...they just don't make it like they used to. Of course many have that one piece of furniture that has been painted, sanded and painted again.
One woman had a great answer saying that her "personality" was still intact! After 50 years, it's never failed her!
Listen, we all have something from our past...actually Mike mentioned a refrigerator in the his garage. That was he's "beater" thing that he paid $200 for about 25 years ago and still works perfectly fine.
Carla mentioned the same thing...but her fridge was in her house! Sorry, not getting a new one when the old one works just fine!
So, take a couple of minutes, listen to the segment and see what your "beater" is...and enjoy!