Tinnitus: What Is It and Which Rockers Have It?
Mott the Hoople ’74 announced that they were forced to cancel their upcoming U.S. tour dates due to Ian Hunter suffering from “a severe case of tinnitus,” but what exactly is…

Mott the Hoople '74 announced that they were forced to cancel their upcoming U.S. tour dates due to Ian Hunter suffering from "a severe case of tinnitus," but what exactly is tinnitus?
Per the Mayo Clinic, tinnitus is a phantom ringing, buzzing, roaring, clicking or hissing noise that can vary in pitch, volume and can be present in one or both ears. It can also be a constant noise or come and go.
One of the biggest causes of tinnitus is exposure to loud noise, so it should come as no surprise that when it comes to this diagnosis, Hunter has some good company of fellow musicians that also have tinnitus. Check out the gallery below to see which other rockers also have tinnitus.