6 Holiday Inflatables For Your Front Lawn
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If there’s something here you decide you just can’t live without, we’ve provided links to the product websites. If you click on the link and make a purchase, Beasley Media Group may earn a commission. Have an idea for a fun theme for a gift idea list you’d like us to create? Drop us a line Shopping@bbgi.com.
This list of Holiday Inflatables For Your Front Lawn is a bit of a wish list. Growing up, my family celebrated Christmas in a non-secular way. We had all the standard fair. Ceiling height tree with an angel topper, stockings hand knit by my Grandmother, fake candles in the windows, and garland. The one thing we never had and could never have is inflatables. And guess what the one thing I always wanted was? Inflatables.
Why couldn’t you have inflatables, Kelley, you ask. Because we had no front lawn! My dad and his brother Jamie, carpenter and electrician respectively, and some of their pals built our house from the ground up and I often wondered if it was planned that way, much like the shape of the windows that (intentionally!) wouldn’t allow for air conditioners. In fairness, there was really nowhere else to build the driveaway but I’m still not convinced that it wasn’t on purpose.
When our house was built the entrance was put on the 2nd floor so you took 1 flight of stairs to a landing. Not a big landing, maybe 10 by 4 at the most. Fast forward to my early 20s. When my dad, who has a tremendous sense of humor, decides not only can we now have inflatable Christmas decorations, but they should be large enough to take up the entire landing. I know for sure he didn’t plan this because he would’ve taken any opportunity to embarrass me and a gigantic snow globe with a snowman and swirling wind definitely would’ve done that.