Jingle Bell Rock Pre-Party 2023 (Photos)
Jingle Bell Rock’s pre-party was a night of fun, great food and reminiscing on the craziest JBR stories. We partied on Thursday, Nov. 16 at Sierra Gold located on 6515…

Jingle Bell Rock's pre-party was a night of fun, great food and reminiscing on the craziest JBR stories.
We partied on Thursday, Nov. 16 at Sierra Gold located on 6515 S. Jones Blvd, Las Vegas, NV 89118. The staff was amazing, the food was delicious and the drinks were crafted with perfection!
It was delightful to connect with everyone who hunts for the rock every year.
We heard stories from past winners who took us on a journey by telling their special stories about finding the famous rock.
In fact, one of the past winners had an interesting and controversial story from his win.
This listener actually SAW Larry Martino drop the rock while scoping out the rock's location. When Larry seemingly left, the listener decided to see if he actually witnessed the "rock drop." However as the listener was searching and ultimately found the rock, Larry Martino crept back up to see what was happening. This is when the listener thought Larry was trying to car jack him and pulled a fire arm out!
Well, Larry didn't get shot. And don't worry, we still love that listener. In fact, he attended our Jingle Bell Rock party!
What Is Jingle Bell Rock?
If you're new here, you may be wondering, "What even IS Jingle Bell Rock?"
Well, Jingle Bell Rock is our annual contest where we challenge our lovely listeners to try and find the "world-famous Jingle Bell Rock." Starting Nov. 20, you can listen to 96.3 KKLZ for the Jingle Bell Rock clues at 7:10 AM, 9:10 AM, 11:25 AM, 1:10 PM and 5:10 PM!
Oh and we forget to mention the most important part: Whoever finds the "rock" wins $10,000!
The JBR elves hide the "rock" somewhere in Clark County on Dec. 9! So, compile the clues to help you narrow down the potential hiding spot. Then it's happy hunting!
Check out the photos from our Jingle Bell Rock party below!
Winner Winner Chicken Dinner!

We Love Our KLKLZ Family

What Is Mike Pointing At?

Jingle Bell Rock Pre-Party Festivities

Thank You To The Folks At Sierra Gold!

Jingle Bell Rock Pre-Party 2023

Congratulations To Our Giveaway Winners

Carla Rea, Wendy Rush and Mike O'Brian

Smile! It's Time For Jingle Bell Rock!

Our Previous Jingle Bell Rock Winner!

Jingle Bell Rock Pre-Party 2023

All Hail The Rock!!

This Party Was About Celebration!

Our Adam Sandler Ticket Winner!

Carla's Boobs!!!

Rod Stewart Winners!