The Funny Reason Robert Plant Turned Down a Role on ‘Game of Thrones’
Robert Plant is a rock god, but never forget that he’s an incredibly funny guy, too. Want proof? In a recent chat with George Stroumboulopoulos, Plant was asked whether he…

Robert Plant is a rock god, but never forget that he's an incredibly funny guy, too.
Want proof? In a recent chat with George Stroumboulopoulos, Plant was asked whether he watched Game of Thrones. He replied, "No. I got offered a part in that...I don't want to be typecast. I mean, I started that s---. Go back to 'Immigrant Song.' Led Zeppelin being part of a cultural exchange in Iceland with the Icelandic government. So, they didn't really know what they'd invited onto their little island."
He continued, "So, on the way back on the plane, I started thinking about, because I love Western European history from maybe the Bronze Age up through all the old religion, the great, sort of, when we were really in touch with our Earth. And so, the Viking thing was obviously that whole idea of playing in Iceland and experiencing this amazing landscape and people. Yeah, I've got a lot to answer for, really, because I've never seen so many bands with double-bladed axes. And they could have all looked like Soft Cell, something like that."
When pressed on the part that was offered to him, Plant responded, "I thought I got to ride a horse and go [mimes raising his head regally.]"
Honestly, it's not fair he's both musically talented and funny. Leave something for the rest of us, Robert!
Robert Plant’s post-Led Zeppelin career has been a wild series of adventures down different artistic and stylistic paths. The man does not rely on his history and he certainly doesn’t want to reproduce it.
Indeed, Plant has spent the past four decades exploring new sounds… and sometimes, some very old ones, often combining the past and present in surprising ways. It doesn’t always work, but you never feel like his albums are done on “cruise control.” There’s intent and vision behind every Robert Plant release. And give the man credit: he doesn’t just follow the money (hey, imagine how much he could have gotten for a Led Zeppelin reunion tour).
As he’s releasing his long-awaited second album with bluegrass artist Alison Krauss, we decided to look back at his entire post-Zeppelin career, including his collaborations with Ms. Krauss, Jimmy Page, as well as a few others. You may not be familiar with every song on this list, so consider yourself lucky: now you can go on YouTube and find some gems that you hadn’t heard before from one of the greatest singers rock and roll has ever known.
41. “Heaven Knows” from ‘Now And Zen’ (1988)

40. Pearl Jam with Robert Plant - “Little Sister (live)” - Pearl Jam’s Christmas single (2005)

39. Robert Plant and Alison Krauss - “Fortune Teller” from ‘Raising Sand’ (2007)

38. “Keep It Hid” from ‘Carry Fire’ (2017)

37. “Little Maggie” from ‘lullaby and… The Ceaseless Roar’ (2014)

36. The Honeydrippers - “Young Boy Blues” from ‘Vol. 1’ (1984)

35. Jimmy Page with Robert Plant - “The Only One” from ‘Outrider’ (1989)

34. “Stranger Here… Than Over There” from ‘Principle of Moments’ (1983)

33. “Slow Dancer” from ‘Pictures At Eleven’ (1982)

32. Robert Plant with the Lil’ Band of Gold - “It Keeps Rainin’” from ‘Going Home: A Tribute To Fats Domino’ (2007)

31. “If It’s Really Got To Be This Way” from ‘Adios Amigo: A Tribute To Arthur Alexander’ (1994)

30. The Honeydrippers - “Rockin’ At Midnight” from ‘Vol. 1’ (1984)

29. “House Of Cards” from ‘Band Of Joy’ (2010)

28. “29 Palms” from ‘Fate of Nations’ (1993)

27. Robert Plant and Alison Krauss - “Gone Gone Gone” from ‘Raising Sand’ (2007)

26. “Liars Dance” from ‘Manic Nirvana’ (1990)

25. “If I Were A Carpenter” from ‘Fate of Nations’ (1993)

24. Patti Griffin with Robert Plant - “Ohio” from ‘American Kid’ (2013)

23. Robert Plant and the Soweto Gospel Choir - “Valley Of Tears” from ‘Goin’ Home: A Tribute To Fats Domino’ (2007)

22. Jimmy Page and Robert Plant - “Shining In The Light” from ‘Walking Into Clarksdale’ (1997)

21. “Let’s Have A Party” from ‘The Last Temptation of Elvis’ (1990)

20. “Shine It All Around” from ‘Mighty ReArranger’ (2005)

19. “Ship Of Fools” from ‘Now And Zen’ (1988)

18. “Calling To You” from ‘Fate Of Nations’ (1993)

17. “Morning Dew” from ‘Dreamland’ (2002)

16. Robert Plant and Alison Krauss - “Rich Woman” from ‘Raising Sand’ (2007)

15. “Angel Dance” from ‘Band Of Joy’ (2010)

14. Robert Plant and Alison Krauss - “Can’t Let Go” from ‘Raise The Roof’ (2021)

13. “Other Arms” from ‘The Principle of Moments’ ((1983)

12. Afro-Celt Sound System featuring Robert Plant - “Life Begin Again” from ‘Volume 3: Further In Time’ (2001)

11. “Little By Little” from ‘Shaken ‘N’ Stirred’ (1985)

10. The Honeydrippers - “Sea Of Love” from ‘Vol. 1’ (1984)

9. “The May Queen” from ‘Carry Fire’ (2017)

8. “Tall Cool One” from ‘Now And Zen’ (1988)

7. “In The Mood” from ‘The Principle of Moments’ (1983)

6. “Far Post” - B-side of “Burning Down One Side” (1982)

5. Jimmy Page and Robert Plant “Most High” from ‘Walking Into Clarksdale’ (1998)

4. “Rainbow” from ‘lullaby and… The Ceaseless Roar’ (2014)

3. Robert Plant and Alison Krauss - “Please Read The Letter” from ‘Raising Sand’ (2007)

2. “Big Log” from ‘The Principle Of Moments’ (1983)

1. “Burning Down One Side” from ‘Pictures At Eleven’ (1982)