Instant coffee lovers, you can now enjoy powdered beer!
Is there any chance this actually tastes good? You’ll now have the chance to find out. because it’s a thing!
A German brewery called Neuzeller Klosterbräu, that’s been in the beer industry for almost 500 years, invented the powder that can make beer in the same way a person would make instant coffee or a protein shake. You just mix it with water and stir.
Those taste testers who have tried it claim it tastes “just like normal regular beer” and its appearance also looks similar to a regular carbonated beer, because it foams up once it is mixed. Watch video here.
It’s apparently not the first time someone has made powdered beer. But this one’s carbonated, and that’s a first. They claim it looks and TASTES just like regular beer, which is hard to believe, but ok – we’ll bite. Or – drink.
The current version is non-alcoholic. But they say a boozy version will be available in the next few months, and they’ll start selling it globally. It’s something you could buy yourself, or bars might mix it with water to save money.
So, why do this? Their answer is the environment. It’s cheaper and easier to transport, so there’s a much smaller carbon footprint. By removing the extra weight created by glass and water, the invention could reduce transport weight by 90 percent.
It’s not the only new beer. It’s part of a string of weird beers they’ve been working on. For example, they’ve also got a BATH BEER in the works that’s specifically made for you to bathe in. Must be some big demand for this that I missed, but sure – go for it!
In addition to its powdered beers, Neuzeller Klosterbräu is known for its innovative ideas, originality and age-old recipes, and has distributors worldwide.
Here are some other “instant” foods and drinks. Some worked, some did not, and some – well – you decide.