Guidelines To Remember When You Are In A Public Restroom
There are some that use them, then others who wouldn’t dare. But you should know that there are now guidelines to remember when you’re in a public restroom. That’s what The Mike & Carla Morning Show brought up this morning…and who knew?
Doesn’t matter if you’re at an outdoor football stadium or a classy restaurant, these are some rules to live by according to an article from Reader’s Digest. Come to find out from this article, there are 16 of these rules you should follow.
What Are Some Of The Guidelines In A Public Restroom
One of the biggest on the list…put away your phone in the restroom! Don’t lay it on top of the urinal or even think about talking on it when in the stall! Do you “business”, then wash your hands and get out!
Try and skip the small talk in a public restroom. You’re there to get things done in a timely manner…no need for chit-chat! Especially for guys at the urinal…which for the most part is a unspoken “no-no”!
The #1 rule after entering the bathroom is NOT to look under the stalls for a pair of shoes to see if it’s occupied! Don’t look in the crack of the door either…that’s just creepy. They article does say to knock politely on the door to see if the stall is occupied.
Needless to say, all three on The M&C Morning Show had their stories of being in the lavatory. However, when it came down to it, we think Morty was the winner. Evidently, there was a guy in the bathroom not giving Morty his space!
In fact, Morty ended up hitting the pause button, and moving a few urinals down. Clearly this guy didn’t know the rules. The good news is that at least the guy try and talk to him!
All good and information stuff you need to know if indeed you go out this weekend…so, listen to the segment from this morning and enjoy!