First Day Of School: Your Senior Memories
It’s the beginning of a new school year, so we wanted to know on the first day of school, what were your Senior memories? Looking back at your final year of school, what do you remember most. Especially when it came to fashion, television, or that one historical moment?
That’s what The Mike & Carla Morning Show were talking about this morning. To give you an idea how life has changed over the years, we looked up what was happening when this year’s incoming seniors we born.
Now keep in mind that would have been in 2006…My Space, skinny jeans, and reality tv was just hitting the airwaves.
Reddit ran a thread asking people what their memories were. Some had good high school memories, others not so much!
So, we wanted to know…not going back to the year you were born, but your senior year. What stands out to you from that year you graduated?
Looking Back, What Were Your Senior Memories
For Carla Rea, it was bell bottoms for a minute, then the straight legged jeans were in. When it came to hairstyles, Carla mentioned the “feathered” style…for both boys and girls!
Mike O’Brian remembers huge bell bottoms, the Munich Olympic tragedy in 1972 and “The Waltons” and “Kung Fu” were the big tv shows!
Morty was just getting into grunge and plaid shirts! But what do you remember? The M&C Morning Show took calls and a lot of listeners texted in.
One woman remembered the acid wash jeans and the historical moment in her senior year, tearing down of the Berlin Wall!
“Miami Vice” got a couple of mentions for hot tv show and fashion. The pastel colors, the rolled up sleeves on the linen sport jacket and shoes with no socks. That show covered in all that year.
One listener mentioned “spandex” and we quickly found out that Carla was not, nor is she now, a fan! In fact, she brought up, that with her figure growing up, it seem that she compared it to looking like a “sausage”!
All in all, it was quite the entertaining segment with a lot of flash backs…listen yourself and enjoy!