What Is Your Most Recent Embarrassing Moment
Come on now, we’re all adults here, but we really want to know what is your most recent embarrassing moment? After hearing what happened to Carla Rea from The Mike & Carla Morning Show, you know we had to talk about this.
Won’t get into the details here, but let’s just say that you should make sure that your garage door is shut before heading out to the garage. It’s not unusual feeling comfortable in your own home struttin’ around in your underwear. But again, headed out to the garage, just make sure the door is shut!
Talk To Us About Your Most recent Embarrassing Moment
Same thing with Morty, our executive producer on the show, you have to know your neighborhood! Thinking you can just march outside in anything to pick up a delivery…not all might appreciate.
We know growing up, seeing your parents naked can be very embarrassing. Not completely sure for who, but it is quite awkward. One woman saying that while cleaning up around the house in the buff, she heard a noise.
Going to check it out, her son comes through the door! BUSTED! Evidently he didn’t realize she would be home. And for him, not a great idea to ditch school!
We also found out that wearing a t-shirt with a simple saying on it can lead to an awkward moment. That happened to one guy attending a recent parade a couple of years ago. Just trying to be supportive…and that he was.
That story you’ll have to hear for yourself…with all the others of course. Listen, we’ve all had those moments ourselves. Some more than others, but we can always laugh at them when you look back and know that it was harmless.
We do give you some help here though. According to an article from Ascend, out of the Harvard Business Review. It talks about how to move on after one of those moments at work. It’s a good read and who knows, you might need the advice sooner than later.
Just take a couple of minutes and listen to the segment from this morning…and enjoy!