Some Dining No-No’s And More
We all love to go out to dinner, but then you have to, or should know, there are some dining “no-no’s” and more you have to know about. We brought this up this morning on The Mike & Carla Morning Show and boy, it got very personal! You would be amazed at what people might do while dining at a restaurant!
This all started as a result of an article posted by Study Finds, where they surveyed over 2000 people who dine out. It was mentioned that 60% can’t stand it when a customer is rude to a server. Got to be honest, The M&C Morning Show all agreed on that one.
What Are Some Of Your Dining No-No’s
The next one was a little hard to take…not spitting something back onto your plate. Embarrassed to say that someone on the morning show admitted to do that! Chewing with your mouth open, talking with your mouth full, slurping soup and more.
One huge surprised, and Mike O’Brian admitted that he actually does this at a restaurant…and it was 8th on the list! Even though his wife is totally embarrassed, Mike will still do it when she is talking to someone else or she’s not looking!
On the other hand, Carla Rea has admitted to #7 on the list…and still does it! Yes, we are one classy bunch of people on this morning show. But as we talked more and more about it, it got more personal and, hate to say it, gross!
You would be surprised at what people are not afraid to do while out for dinner in mixed company. Again, check out the article in Study Finds and see the entire list. Otherwise, just listen to the segment from this morning. But do know that when you do go out, people are watching and taking notes! If you think of any “no-no’s”, feel free to drop us a line at the Mike&[email protected].