Stopping Or Standing On Las Vegas Pedestrian Bridges Could Now Cost You $1000
Welcome to Las Vegas. Now just keep walking!
Las Vegas Residents Say Don’t Just Stop Walkin For No Reason
I’m a native Nevadan. Originally from Reno, and now thirty plus years living in Las Vegas. It’s one of the biggest tourist cities in the world, if not thee biggest. One of my – and every other Las Vegas residents – biggest pet peeves, is when visitors just stop walking.
By “stop,” I mean, they are walking along, going with the flow and then, BOOM, they just abruptly STOP! Usually they are looking at their phones, taking a selfie and/or staring at The Sphere – or for no reason at all. But they decide to stop walking. Right then and there. No, no, and NO! Keep it moving, people!
A New Ordinance Says ‘Keep Moving’
Well guess what? Standing or stopping is now banned – on pedestrian bridges – on the Las Vegas Strip. Far too often tourists will stop to get pictures, watch street performers and/or again – for whatever.
According to the Las Vegas Review Journal, violators of the new ordinance could face up to six months in jail or a $1,000 fine.
It specifically prohibits people from “stopping, standing or engaging in an activity that causes another person to stop” on Strip pedestrian bridges. Including up to 20 feet surrounding connected stairs, elevators and escalators. Now, it does not include standing or stopping if a person is waiting to use an elevator, stairway or escalator. Ok – I’ll give you that.
The goal is to keep things moving at a calm and orderly flow, and to reduce the chance of criminal activity, since it is very hard for police to get there fast. Yes – you can still take pictures, but try not to just stop and linger for no apparent reason!
We welcome tourists to Las Vegas, anytime. I mean, tourism is our business, after all. But as they say, “when in Rome, do as the Romans do.” So when in Las Vegas, do as Las Vegans do, and keep it moving!