Are You Ready Guys For A Birth Control Pill For Men
Well, it seemed that it was just a matter of time, but are your ready guys for a birth control pill for men? It came up this morning on The Mike & Carla Morning Show and it seemed to get a positive reaction.
We mean, given the choice between the “snip-snip” or just popping a pill…the pill WINS! Not a hard choice for men, but would you trust it enough. Tests are going on right now in England according to an article in the Guardian. And it says that they are on the verge of developing a birth control pill for men!
Guys, Are You Ready For A Birth Control Pill For Men?
The big question on The M&C Morning Show was how would this be accepted? According to the men that dialed into the show and texted in, an overwhelming YES! But then, ladies, if a guy told you his was on the “pill”, would you be trusting enough that it worked?
There seemed to be a fine line of wanting it to work and feeling that, if approved, it would work. All right, maybe 99% of the time…just like condoms right?
It’s a sensitive issue on so many levels, but getting to the heart of the matter, guys, you would have to be like clockwork taking the pill for it to be effective! It’s not like you could just pop one in right before heading to the bedroom…you laugh, but some guys would actually think that.
Do us a favor, read the article, then listen to the segment from this morning. You decide on which way you would go. It does make you think though…especially if you’re in a relationship. Just think ladies, the pressure would be off you and on your man, How nice would that be?
After shouldering the responsibility for so long, don’t you think it’s time for the men to step up! Well, the article does say, if there are few side affects and it works, will men actually take it? That’s up to you!