The Last Thing You Left On Top Of Your Car
What is the last thing you left on top of your car…when driving? Was it a coffee mug, your laptop, or even your phone. Whatever the case, you have to hear this. So there’s a guy trying to get the attention of a woman to tell her that her purse is on top of her car. Listen to the woman’s response when she finds out he’s just trying to be nice! It’s all apart of a segment on The Mike & Carla Morning Show talking about things left on your car.
So, what is the last thing you saw on a car driving around Las Vegas…or anywhere for that matter. Mike O’Brian had his own story of leaving his phone on his car driving from Spring Mountain and Durango, down the 215 to the airport. Got out of the car and there is still was…right where he left!
In Laughlin, evidently they still have a sense of humor…one woman saw a huge beverage drink on the roof of a car. When she pointed it out to the driver and passenger, the people in the car held up signs saying “April Fools”. It was a attached to the roof with a magnet for the specific reason of a joke!
On the other hand, not everything is a joke. How about the guy who saw a hot dog on the top of a car! Who leaves a hot dog on a car? Wouldn’t you think when you got in the car, you’d think, “…what did I do with the hot dog I just bought?” Oh well, we guess you just go back in and buy another one right?
Purses, wallets, shoes and even laptops have been left on top of a car or on top of the trunk. Some have a happy ending, some not so much. Quite the stories this morning…so enjoy!