Propose at Cracker Barrel And Win FREE Food
If your thinking about popping the big question this Valentine’s Day, here’s your chance to propose at your local Cracker Barrel and WIN big! The Mike & Carla Morning Show talked about all the details you need to WIN free meals for an entire year!
Cracker Barrel is having a contest leading up to Valentine’s Day where you could actually WIN a $2000.00 gift card…which should equate to FREE food for a year! So if you’ve never been to a Cracker Barrel, this might be the reason to go. Now it just so happens we have two in the Las Vegas area, so if this is an idea you’re entertaining, you’re in luck.
Here’s all you have to do…just head into a Cracker Barrel starting this Friday through next Thursday. Now you really don’t have to eat there, but it would be a little odd if you just went in proposed and left. You have to video your proposal and make sure that the place is featured in your video. Then post it on social media with a few hashtags like #ISaidYesAtCrackerBarrel and #Contest. You have to tag @CrackerBarrel to make sure they see it.
You also have to let them know “why” you decided to propose at Cracker Barrel. This is when you just might want to be honest and say, “For the FREE food!” Not sure if that score you any points, but it couldn’t hurt.
So after all this, would you at least consider the idea? That’s what The M&C Morning Show wanted to know. Five couples have a chance to WIN nationwide, so why not you! Give it a shot and see what happens. And if you have a couple of minutes, listen to segment from this morning with The M&C Morning Show talking about it.
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