Pets In The Bedroom During Sexy Time, Yay or Nay
A lot of people in general let their pets stay in their bedroom. In fact so often that the pet may think the bedroom is actually theirs. They just walk in and out as they please, no matter what is going on. But do you allow your pet to be in the bedroom with you when you’re getting it on?
A survey was taken on this and twenty-eight percent of the people polled said they do allow their pets to stay in the bedroom when you’re getting it on. Fifty-eight percent of the people polled said they get distracted by a pet when they’re getting it on in the bedroom!
Sixty-Three percent of people said they’ve had to stop the fun in the bedroom, because their pets became increasingly UN-CHILL.
And seventy-two percent of pet parents have admitted they take some sort of action to keep their pet occupied or have forced them out of the bedroom when that certain mood happens. In all honesty, we think this may be the best option all around for both the pet and you, or that special someone with you.
What do you do with your pets? We have more on this story and more weird and wacky stories in today’s Other News!
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