Gas Prices Could Dip To $3 Per Gallon By Christmas
It would certainly be a welcome Christmas present if gas prices dipped to $3 per gallon by the end of the month. We’ve seen prices drop over the past few weeks so this could become a reality.
According to an article posted by Julia Mueller, The Hill via NexStar Media Wire on, fuel price tracker app GasBuddy reports that the average national cost of gas dropped 22.7 cents per gallon in November, and that trend could continue through the month of December.
We know that the high cost of fuel has been one of the major factors which has caused rising inflation on just about everything we purchased during 2022. With fears of a national recession in our economy looming on the horizon, lower gas prices would sure be welcomed by all of us.
According to, the average price of a gallon of gas is hovering around the $3.50 mark over the past couple of days. Today’s national average cost is $3.47 per gallon. However, here in Nevada, the average cost of a gallon of fuel is over a dollar more than that at $4.60 per gallon. One year ago, the average price of a gallon of gas here in the Silver State was $3.96 for regular unleaded. So, we have a long way to go to even get back to last year’s average price. Hopefully, our gas prices in Nevada mirror the national average a little more than they have recently.
Mueller’s article quotes GasBuddy’s head of petroleum analysis as saying: “All the metrics look very positive for motorists as this week is likely to continue seeing falling gasoline prices, with many areas falling to the lowest level since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in February.” Let’s all hope he is right on the money!
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Larry Martino is the long-time Afternoon Drive personality on 96.3 KKLZ. The views and opinions expressed in this blog are those of Larry Martino and not necessarily those of Beasley Media Group, LLC.
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