The New Dating Term: ‘Winter Coating’
Well, here we go with another “dating” term just in time for the holidays and this one is one that you might be able to relate to! It’s called “Winter Coating” and The Mike & Carla Morning Show talked about it this morning in “A Few Things We Think You Should Know”!
Not “Winter Coating” doesn’t have anything to do with a coat or even putting on a few extra pounds during the holidays just to stay warm. It actually means when that you’ve let an “ex” back into your life during the holidays just for the sake of being with someone.
This way you don’t have to go solo to family gatherings, holiday parties and more…however, once it starts to warm up, then guess what? You are solo again and hitting the bars and dating apps in search of something new and exciting!
Be honest, haven’t we all done this at one time or another? You have that someone you broke it off with, but come this time of the year, you reconnect with just for the sake of being with someone. You like this person, they’re good to be around and others know this person so it seems to make it okay, but come spring time, they are GONE!
Now the only problem we have with this is the questions that come along with “Winter Coating”. Family and friends asking if you’re back together again? Ahhhh, you guys serious this time? So if you can put up with all the questions that come along with this, clearly you’re good to go!
Details on this story, plus the downside of using too much detergent, and a new nail polish that can tell you if your beer is cold enough on The M&C Morning Show…so listen up and enjoy!
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