Watch Comedy: Orny Adams Takes On The Keyboard
Have you ever looked at the computer keyboard and wondered: Who invented this and why are the letters in this specific order?
Well, I looked it up on Wikipedia and learned that the specific layout of the letters of our alphabet on a computer keyboard that we use today was actually first put into use back in 1873 on the Sholes And Glidden typewriter. The patent was sold to E. Remington And Sons, who refined the layout in 1878 into the pattern we utilize today. This specific layout of letters has been referred to as “QWERTY” down through the years.
Comedian Orny Adams thinks the computer keyboard layout makes absolutely no sense. Even though I learned how to use QWERTY back in high school on a manual typewriter, I have to agree with him. I think I even asked my typewriter teacher why the letters were not in alphabetical order. That question did not help my grade. And now, with the advent of smart phones, many of us type with just our thumbs or index finger without using all of our fingers on a typical computer keyboard. Yet, those letters are still laid out in the QWERTY design.
And how often do we actually hand-write anything anymore? Not very often. You’ll enjoy Orny Adams’ comedic take on these topics.
I love comedy. I really admire the talent of great stand-up comics. I think what they do is incredible. On the radio, I do what I do in a closed-door studio. I never see the audience. Stand-up comedians have to make people laugh while they are looking them right in the eye. It’s do or die. It takes guts, and great comedic chops.
So, I thought I would share some great stand-up comedy with you every Monday. Why? Because it’s Monday! Everyone could use a good laugh on Monday. So, here we go with our next installment. Enjoy! (There are some naughty words so parental discretion is advised.)
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Larry Martino is the long-time Afternoon Drive personality on 96.3 KKLZ. The views and opinions expressed in this blog are those of Larry Martino and not necessarily those of Beasley Media Group, LLC.
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