An Interesting Guide To Help You Maximize Your Vacation Days
Extend your vacation days
Someone figured out how to maximize your vacation days next year by grouping them around holidays, so you end up with big chunks of time off. It’s kind of brilliant, actually, and if you start planning now, you’ve got next year taken care of.
Now I know it won’t work for everyone, since a lot of companies don’t give days off for all the holidays he chose. It’s also based on having 18 vacation days a year, which is a lot (I knew I should have worked for the Federal Government!), but you don’t have to do all of them. Here’s what he came up with – you can size them up accordingly, and hopefully some will work for YOU!
1. In January: Take the Thursday and Friday before Martin Luther King Day off. If you get that following Monday off too, it’s five days in a row.
2. In April: Take off the full week before Easter. If your company’s closed on Good Friday and Easter Monday, it only requires four vacation days. And with both weekends, it’s a TEN-day break.
3. In July: Take off Monday, July 3rd. With the weekend, it’s a four-day break.
4. Next November: Take the full week after Veterans Day off, AND the three days before Thanksgiving. It’s eight vacation days, but gives you up to SEVENTEEN days off in a row. (Your boss will absolutely hate you for asking so late, but that one would also work THIS year. If you’re one step ahead and already doing it, bravo for you!)
Ok, everyone relax! It’s just a guide. Research shows that the average American begins to notice the signs of aging at the age of 42. And on average, people believe they’re at peak health when they’re 34. So if you can do this, do it – you deserve the time off!
-Carla Rea
Wines That Go Best With Halloween Snickers And Pop Rocks
Move over charcuterie platter – there’s a new food and wine pairing in town. There are so many different flavors in Halloween candies that unique wine pairings abound. Whether it’s milk chocolate, dark chocolate, sweet treats, sour treats, salty treats – there is a white wine, out there to match.
In this wine lovers opinions, there’s not much that doesn’t go with wine. Even Halloween candy.
It’s far from the fancy pairings that sommeliers love, but if you’re the kind of person who enjoys the abundance of candy in October, and wine anytime of the year, then you’ll want to take a look at this list.
Wine pairings typically work by either contrasting or complementing different flavors. On Halloween, there are plenty of excessively sweet and sour flavors to contend with. You’ll want to keep that in mind with some of the sweeter wine suggestions. Although you normally might not be so inclined to sip a sweeter wine, in some cases it’s the perfect option to pair with a sweet dish – or in this case, candy.
The ideal wine pairing is always the one you like best. But if you want to savor your *childs* Halloween haul in style, it’s helpful to keep certain tips in mind when pairing wine with your Snickers, M&M’s and other candy.
Bon Appetit, cheers, and bottoms up!
-Carla Rea
Carla Rea is the morning show co-host on “The Mike and Carla Morning Show" on 96.3 KKLZ, in Las Vegas. She has been working with her partner and friend Mike O'Brian for the past 25 plus years. At KKLZ for 12 years. Carla Rea is a Gracie Award winner. She started out in talk radio, "when talk radio was still fun" Rea says. Prior to, and along with doing the morning show, Carla is also a comedian. You may have seen her on Conan O'Brien, Evening at The Improv, Showtime, or several comedy clubs across the country. Carla also worked as a light feature reporter at KSNV/NBC Las Vegas, going behind the scenes at various shows, and restaurants on the Las Vegas strip. As a content creator 96.3 KKLZ, Carla writes in a sarcastic, cheeky, unapologetic way on Las Vegas, movies, TV, celebrities, and this thing we call life.