Mom Tells Teen Son, ‘My House, My Rules’
Thanksgiving around the corner and her 19 year old wants to bring his new girlfriend home from college and wants to share a room. Mom is saying, “don’t think so…my house, my rules!” The Mike & Carla Morning Show wanted to get your take on this situation that all parents have probably gone through. Now Dad says it’s no big deal, but what would you do in this situation?
Carla Rea was very clearly on her stand on this…he’s 19 years old, what’s the big deal? Mike O’Brian, not so much…if he wants to bring his new girlfriend home for the holidays, sleep with his “new” girlfriend and it upsets his mom, get a hotel room!”
Two totally different sides to this situation and then you invite listeners to give their opinion, that opens a whole new can of worms! One mother regrets the time she said “no way” because it alienated her from her son for over a year. In hindsight, she would of allowed the two to stay together, although after one year of marriage, it was over!
Loved the comment from the one guy that called in that said, it might be better if the Dad just tells the son, “…listen, you know how your mom can be, what do you say we workout an arrangement this time, then maybe next time she’ll be good with it!” Love the total spin on this…
A lot of listeners thought the parents should get on the same page first before approaching their son, but that was a totally different topic…nonetheless, this lit up the phone and text lines! If you’d like to hear the entire segment, scroll down, hit play and enjoy! Then let us know why you think and what you would have done in this same situation!
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