Pay Your Las Vegas Parking Ticket . . . With A Toy
There aren’t a ton of parking meters in the valley, but in downtown you’ll find them more often than not. If you forgot to run out and feed the meter in time (or maybe you decided to chance it) you probably got a parking ticket.
Well, if you’re looking at the orange envelope getting ready to pay that ticket, hold off. You might have a sweeter way to get out of debt with the City of Las Vegas.
If you got a ticket between October 19th and November 16th, you can choose to donate toy(s) equal to or greater than the cost of your ticket to settle your debt. Those toys will be handed off to kids that are a part of the Flexible Housing Program. That program helps connect families without a home to housing.
But wait, it’s not for everyone
Before you willingly go downtown and break every parking law imaginable, know there are some limits. Some infractions are worse than others, and if you are guilty of the following, you’re ineligible for this program.
- Handicap parking violations (the worst)
- No Stopping/Standing violations
- Double Parking
- No-Parking Areas
- Parking more than 18″ from the curb (there are too many of you)
- Parking on the sidewalk
- Fire lane violations
- Parking too close to a hydrant
- Blocking traffic (obviously)
- Facing traffic (don’t go against traffic to park)
- Red curb violations
- Blocking alleys
- Parking too close to stop signs, yield signs, crosswalks or intersections
- Parking in a bike lane
So, essentially, if you don’t feed your meter in time you can do this. If you do practically anything else, you can expect to hand over your card or some cash.
If you want to take advantage, bring your ticket, toy(s) and the receipt for the toy(s) showing it’s equal to or more than the violation to the Parking Services Office at 350 S. City Parkway within 30 days of your violation. The program ends December 16th.