New CCSD Grading System Comes Under Fire
If you have a child enrolled in a Clark County School District class, you may be one of the many parents or teachers who are not happy with the new CCSD grading system.
According to reporter Kim Passoth on, the new grading system took effect in August of 2021. According to CCSD representatives, the goal of the new system is to make it “equal, remove behavior from the grading process, and give students the chance for reassessment.”
Beginning next school year, 90% of a student’s grade will be based on results from tests and quizzes. Classroom work and home work are being all but removed from the grading process.
Per Passoth’s article on, many teachers and parents are upset with this change because many students are not participating in classwork and homework. They feel it is no longer necessary to do that work since it is not required to get a good grade. Then, if and when they fail or do poorly on a test or quiz, they are allowed to retake that test or quiz.
Teachers explained in a recent CCSD Board of Trustees meeting that they now have to spend even more time dealing with students who are not keeping up with the work. They have to spend extra time out of their busy schedules teaching extra classes and administering duplicate tests and exams. It is certainly making a teacher’s job more difficult.
CCSD Director of Assessment Rebecca Meyer defended the new school district’s grading policy by explaining that “the grading reform initiative will allow students to learn from mistakes and demonstrate mastery of the content throughout the school year.”
I am not sure how this new initiative prepares our students for life after school since I have never had a boss or supervisor who allowed me to continually learn from my mistakes and failures. Imagine telling your boss “I know you spent an hour teaching us how you wanted the job done last week and I didn’t get the job done, so, would you mind showing me again how you want it done and then let me redo the job even though I missed the first deadline?”
I don’t think I would still be employed by that company. But, then again, I am not an educator. I just play one on the radio.
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Larry Martino is the long-time Afternoon Drive personality on 96.3 KKLZ. The views and opinions expressed in this blog are those of Larry Martino and not necessarily those of Beasley Media Group, LLC.
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