How Well Do Mike O’Brian and Carla Rea Get Along
If you work around people, how well do you get along with everyone? Is there tension every once in awhile between certain people and then, you have those that nothing bothers them…The Mike & Carla Morning Show got an email asking just that about Mike O’Brian and Carla Rea. How well they get along during the show and is it always “happy time” or are there those times where they can’t stand each other, but the show goes on!
On the flipside, there are some morning shows that do NOT get along and have to broadcast from not only separate studios, but different cities and sometimes even from different states…if it were that bad, why would you even want to work with that person? You also might want to keep in mind that you never know what’s going on in other people’s lives.
Mike and Carla have known each other for close to 30 years and have worked together for a little less than that starting in the early 90’s. They’ve been though a lot together and each of them have been there for each other through relationships, the passing of family members and much more!
They do have their moments, but it’s more like “brother and sister” working together…but they both understand that working together means to communicate, be flexible and to “move on”! We also found a couple of other tips that help make a “working” relationship successful…first and foremost, you have to be a good listener! Try and always be polite and positive no matter where you might work with others! Being honest and sincere doesn’t hurt the working relationship as well…and most importantly, make sure you have an open mind!
All these tips are good to follow if you are in working relationship as is Mike and Carla…it was a fun segment and The M&C Morning Show got a huge response from those texting in and calling in that found themselves in the same situation…if you missed the segment this morning, you can actually listen to it below…and enjoy!
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Although it might be dated, check out the video below…it will show you how it was and how it still is on The Mike & Carla Morning Show!