Celebrating National ‘Pickleball” Day Today!
Didn’t even realize that this sport had risen to the heights of it’s own day, but “Pickleball” has! It is National “Pickleball” Day and the sport is gathering speed as a sport that everyone is playing…not just those over 65! It’s on television, there is a pro league and they are actually trying to get it as an Olympic sport in the upcoming Olympics.
Not sure if you’re familiar with the sport itself, but it’s a nice mix of tennis, ping pong and badminton. A sport that was invented by a former Congressman and has actually been around for over 57 years. Joel Pritchard, from Washington State, wanted to play badminton, but didn’t have all the right equipment to play, so he and his friends improvised….and the result of course, “Pickleball”!
It’s a social game, and/or it can be very competitive, you can play singles and doubles…and tournaments are popping up everywhere. Although players will tell you that you don’t have to be that athletic to play, you have to agile and ready to move. If you’ve never heard of the sport or you have, but you just don’t know how to play, we’ve posted a video, so if you really want to learn how to play, it’s everything you wanted to know about Pickleball and more…
There are Pickleball leagues popping up all over the nation and even in Las Vegas. All ages are playing and the sport of Pickleball has really taken off…so, grab a racquet, balls and find a court to celebrate National “Pickleball” Day today!
The Mike & Carla Morning Show talked about Krispy Kreme Donuts getting ready to offer their Pumpkin Spice donuts and how Millennials are not as quick on getting their car fixed even after the “red” engine light comes on! All this and much more in this edition of “A Few Things We Think You Should Know”