Carla Rea’s Weekly Dose Of “I’ll Bet You Didn’t Know” – Billy Joel? No Way!
I find a list of random factoids everyday. They’re great conversation starters, and they’re also great for being a condescending know it all all at parties. However you decide to use them – enjoy!
1. Cremation is more popular in Nevada than any other state, where approximately three out of four bodies are cremated. It’s least popular in Mississippi, where only 19% are cremated.
2. The Ouija board got its name when the people who created it in 1890 ASKED it what it should be called, and it guided them to O-U-I-J-A.
3. James Garfield is the only U.S. president who’s ever proven a math theorem. Before he got into politics, he wanted to be a math professor, and discovered a new way to prove the Pythagorean Theorem back in 1876.
4. Michael Jackson has earned approximately $2.4 billion since his death.
5. The two most visited homes in America are the White House and Graceland.
6. More than 300 million Slinkys have been sold, and if they were all uncoiled and joined together, they’d go around the Earth more than 126 times.
7. The average human excretes 6,500 gallons of mucus in a lifetime. Eww.
8. The company 3M got its name because it was originally called the Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing Company. They’re still based in Minnesota, and rank #102 on the Fortune 500 list of the largest U.S. corporations.
9. The first CD to hit the market was the Billy Joel album “52nd Street”. It went on sale in Japan in October of 1982.
10. One of your nostrils is always breathing in more air than the other one. But they trade off every 15 minutes or so, to make sure there’s always one that’s clear to handle intricate smells.
11. People first started saying “God bless you” after someone sneezed back in the 14th century, as a prayer to protect them from the plague.
-Carla Rea
Something else you might not know about – the commercials your favorite rockstars were in!