11 Unspoken Neighbor Rules: Listen Up Kramer
There are a lot of “unspoken rules” of neighborhood etiquette that can very easily make your neighbors love you, and believe they’ve struck “neighbor gold!” And it isn’t rocket science – it basically boils down to this: DON’T BE A DI – – JERK!
Here are a few I think are important basics:
1. Don’t steal your neighbors’ packages and mail. (Though I think this is actually a law…)
2. If you’re parking on the street, try to leave room for others. And, don’t take others’ designated spots or block their driveways.
3. Give your neighbors a heads-up when you’re having a party, and keep the noise down if it goes late. I know from experience, this goes a long way!
4. Pick up after your pets, and make sure what you pick up goes in YOUR trash.
5. Be mindful of how loud your vehicle is, and don’t sit there revving up your muscle car for too long
6. Be mindful of how loud your dogs are, and don’t just leave them in the backyard all day to bark. That’s not why you got a dog!
7. If you have really close neighbors who you know suffer from allergies or respiratory issues, let them know if you’re mowing or grilling, so they can close their windows.
8. When it comes to yard maintenance, try to read the room, and don’t be the house with the worst yard on the block.
9. Don’t take it personally if neighbors don’t feel like chatting. Some people just really like their space.
10. Don’t do dangerous stuff, like setting off fireworks. Someone could get hurt, and you could also damage a neighbor’s property.
11. And do NOT peek over your neighbor’s privacy fence. – EVER. (…unless they’re not home…)
-Carla Rea
Are these some of the best – or worst – neighbors?