Why Martha Stewart Isn’t Getting Any Action In Bed
Martha Stewart has pretty much done it all! Hosted tv shows, radio programs, writing books, jail time, and more! But there’s one thing she hasn’t done in a while…hook up! Martha is NOT getting what so ever. Why?
Martha Stewart says that all the good guys she meets, they’re all married to her friends! She was quoted as saying, “I always think, ‘Oh gosh, couldn’t that woman just die? Not painfully, just die.”
So Martha’s plan is to basically outlive her friends husbands, then swoop in. She was on Chelsea Handler‘s podcast and basically laid it all out on the table about her getting nothing these days. She even said she had two crushes in the last month which was really good for her, but yup, you guessed it, they’re married to the mothers of some friends of hers.
Martha did say she’s never been a homewrecker, but she definitely has opportunity to be one still! Will she?
We have more on this story and more in today’s Entertainment News!