Wendy’s DIY Queen Bed Swimming Pool
Hey Wendy here! Remember when I was excited about the swimming pool I wanted to make out of a boxspring? I was all optimistic when the idea first hit me. Well, it didn’t come without its share of issues. From structural weakness to leaking…there were lots AND LOTS of things to learn. And I may have shot myself in the foot out of the gate because I was trying to go cheap in places where you just can’t. For example, don’t believe these YouTube videos showing you a pool built out of a tarp. Tarps don’t hold water! Even the “waterproof” ones. I learned that the hard (and expensive) way. Also, do you know how many pounds of pressure will be on the frame of a pool with just 450 gallons of water? Find out in the video and join me on the first part of my journey to building baby Z her own kiddie pool. 🙂
Check back next week for Part 2: Filling The Pool!